Author: admin

Start With Love

So last night a crazy thing happened. A mom friend of mine posted about something I hadn’t seen on facebook. Apparently a woman somewhere in facebook land posted some really hateful words about our little kiddos with Down syndrome. REALLY hateful. Think as awful as you can then multiply by a million. That bad. I […]

You are Not Alone

Look what traveled to Aruba with us! Book reviewer I am not, but I was recently asked to take on this task by our friend Jen Jacob, co-author of the new book “The Parent’s Guide to Down Syndrome” with Mardra Sikora. It was my absolute pleasure, as I had pre-ordered a copy of this book […]

Just this one thing…

It has been much too long since we’ve posted, we know! (Since June, in fact, and that will make a whole lot of sense in a few minutes if you keep reading!). We are so sorry! You know how life just seems to happen? It’s been a heck of a summer here in the Tesori […]

Summer Whirlwind: Inside the Field & Faith

I think most everyone realizes we aren’t updating the site as often as last year.  With Isaiah getting older and therapies increasing, it’s been tougher to take care of the TFF updates.  Michelle and her team at OFM have been super busy with Noah Galloway at Dancing with the Stars.  This means my gorgeous wife […]

Masters and Return to the Road

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a golf update, but I think after the Masters is a good place to start. We haven’t played much in 2015.  For the season we’ve had 3 top 10’s in 8 tournaments, and most recently  finished -1 for a T28 finish at Augusta.  While not what we […]

Springing Forward – a (baby?) Isaiah update

Happy Spring!!!!! Doggonit, I’m sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted! It’s been a hectic two months for us, with the PGA TOUR back in full swing and Paul gathering up those frequent flyer miles, traipsing as far west as Honolulu and as far east as Miami! I’ve been spending all of my time […]

1 Year Later – Isaiah’s Story

It was exactly one year ago tonight, Paul and I were home from our first trip to the hospital, gearing up for the arrival of our greatest gift. As I reminisced today, I considered that many of you who have given your support, sent your love, contributions to our foundation and prayers for our son […]