Daily Inspiration – M from Dallas

Today’s inspiration comes to us from “M” from Dallas. This gentleman reached out to us the very first day we posted anything about Isaiah on our website, following a Golf Channel story about our journey.

Buckle up and grab some tissues. What you’re about to witness in print is the ever-constant presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

January 7, 2014
This comes with deep humility for God’s power is awesome. I have been praying for Isaiah as well as for you, Paul and Michelle. My heart is broken that your beautiful son is ill. I pray that God’s will be done. One little boy with the face of God brings so many strangers together. Now we are friends in prayer with heart-filled hope that Isaiah will touch the hand of God and be well. Prayers to our God heal the hurt we feel. Yet, Isaiah’s eyes tell the story of one very young boy who will make it. I will continue to pray for the entire Tesori family that each day will get brighter as God shines His light on Isaiah.

I am sending a contribution to your foundation. May God Bless Isaiah.

January 9, 2014
Thank you, Michelle, for your heart felt note. God works in such mysterious ways that He can clear my life’s “little issues” and focus me on you, Paul, and Isaiah. I find myself praying for Isaiah throughout the day. Isaiah has taught me to “pray always” to our God who is love. You have shared Isaiah in a way he will always be in my prayers and – from a distance – in my life. I have no family of my own. God took me a different way. Yet these past four days have truly changed the world I live in. To pray to God is beyond the earth. To ask Him to heal Isaiah and to bring relief and joy to your face and Paul’s face cannot be measured by things of earth – only by things of God. Isaiah has the beauty of a work of God. How delighted God must be that this holy innocent named Isaiah Paul will live with his Mom and Dad and sister, perhaps, until the end of time. For only the Father knows when Jesus will come again. I do not know if I will ever meet Isaiah. but I will make a contribution to the Tesori Foundation every month so great is the work that you and Paul do. Money has never meant much to me except where it can help God’s people on earth. Isaiah has shown me the way. May God bless you always. Love, M

January 10, 2014
Dear Michelle and Paul:
Good morning! I pray that Isaiah is getting stronger with each passing day. One day this week I wrote that I did not know if I would ever meet Isaiah. Today one of my life’s goals is to meet and hold Isaiah in my arms down the road and to kiss him gently above his eyes. I also want to meet and know both of you. Starting in February – next month – you will receive a contribution from me for your foundation every month for as long as I live. I am not financially wealthy, but I am rich in the things of God. This time in early January, Isaiah brings me to my knees in deep prayer so many times. Since the fourth when the seas were rough, I offered to God with tears in my eyes my very imperfect and rather ordinary life so Isaiah may have a full life with you. I stand by this commitment with joy and peace.
I have never kept a journal until the sixth of this year. I write my thoughts under the title: Isaiah – Notes From My Heart. I will send you my notes in this space with the hope that my words may help in some way. I send my love to both of you, Alexis, and Isaiah. M

Yeah. So there’s that. How are those waterworks working for you? God is at work in people all over this country. All because one little boy was gifted to us from God. A little boy we do not deserve. A little boy who was chosen specifically for us. Specifically for his sister, Paul’s daughter, Alexis. Specifically chosen for his little buddy Eli who joined the world just 12 short weeks ago. And clearly, specifically chosen for our new friend “M” who has been incredibly open in sharing his journey.

Paul and I would ask that you would please keep M in your prayers. Pray for him that he will find the path that God has set before him as we’re told in Hebrews 12:1. Run that race with endurance my friend. God has a plan for you. A path. He has set it out before you. He knew you before you were born. Run. Like. David. (1 Samuel 17:48).

God bless,