Daily Inspiration – Baby Isaiah

So in order to share with you the lives that are being impacted through God’s work with our baby boy, I’m going to try to choose at least one story per day that we’ve received. To be clear, we don’t share without asking the writer first, and unless otherwise instructed, will never use their names and will always protect their identity.

But the lives that are changing because God chose our little Isaiah MATTER! God knows every single hair on your head! He loves ALL of us. And even if you don’t know Him, He knows YOU!!!

Today’s story comes from a friend in Vermont that I haven’t seen in literally decades who shared the following with me via facebook on Tuesday:

So excited to hear about Isaiah’s arrival. I’ve been following his updates and so happy to read about the progress he’s making. I’m not a religious person but last night when putting my four year old to bed he and I said a prayer for Isaiah. My son’s first prayer ever was for your little guy. I’m so sad for the heartbreak and worry you must be going through. You obviously are a very strong person, that is very clear by reading all the amazing support for you and Paul flooding the message board. But with that said, you are human and every feeling that you have is perfectly normal. You don’t have to be so strong all the time. I’m sure you and Paul are leaning on each other a lot.

I will continue to follow the updates. Isaiah and you are on my mind several times a day. It must have been magical when you got to hold him, I hope he’s in your arms more and more each day. Take care Michelle, thinking of you especially.

Please keep this special friend in your prayers as she looks into her heart and is touched so much by what God is doing with our little family that she extended it to her four year old son.