Letting God In

** Received via the Tesori Family Foundation website on January 20, 2014 **

Michelle –
First, I apologize because I think this is going to be a long one.  I want to thank you for sharing your life with us through your Isaiah updates and to thank you for bringing me closer to GOD.
I have always been a believer and have been one to pray and talk to GOD, but I don’t think I ever really let GOD into my life.   I turned to him when both of my children were born as we nearly lost them both and I was nearly lost when my second child was born.  However, a few years ago when my Grandfather died I needed GOD in my life more than ever.  I struggled with this loss as I was very close to my Grandfather and it was as if I had lost my father.  Thankfully, I was able to travel to Alabama just a couple of weeks prior to his passing to see him and say goodbye to him.  After he passed I met weekly with a relative who through Bible study helped me understand why GOD needed my Grandfather.  After a few months we stopped meeting and instead I spent some time every Wednesday at my Grandfather’s grave speaking to him and talking to GOD.  Still something in me just did not feel right.  I still struggled with this loss and I constantly felt like GOD was trying to tell me something, but for the life of me I could not understand what.  Maybe I just did not wanting to hear what he was saying.  One day I really listened.  He was trying to telling me the path was on was not the right life path for me.   
At this time I made a major life decision and decided to end my marriage.  It was a very hard decision because I am not one that believes in giving up.  I had fought for 20 years to stay in the relationship.  I also had two little boys whose lives would be completely turned upside down by this change.  However, I knew this was a decision I needed to make and I felt like GOD was totally in this with me.  The person I was with lived a completely different life than I did. I had helped this person through gambling, drug and alcohol addictions many times and after period of time where things were looking good they were beginning to look grim again.  I wanted a better life for me and for my boys so one day I just took the leap.  When I took the leap everything fell into place and everything felt so right and I felt like GOD was with me through the whole process.  I also finally felt at peace with my Grandfather’s death.
I then met a wonderful man who loves not only me, but loves my boys as well.  He takes care of me just as much as I take care of him.  I quickly felt so connected to him and felt like I was truly where I belonged.  We now share a home with our five children.  I feel like I am where GOD wants me in my life.  I am truly happy, finally healthy and am the me I have always wanted to be.  I am not just believing in GOD I am with GOD and loving him every moment of every day.  The best part of my day is lying in bed a night holding the love of my life and praying to GOD together.  It feels so wonderful to hold each other and to pray together.
I have been moved by the bible verses contained in your Isaiah updates.  I have never read the bible.  I have only studied parts of it when my Grandfather passed.  Thanks to you I have decided that I need to take time every day to hold the bible and read it and become even closer to GOD.  You have opened up my world and my heart to let GOD in even more.  Again, I thank you for sharing your journey as it has brought me even closer to GOD.  Be Blessed.
~ CF in Vermont

Paul and I ask that you would pray for CF and her blended family of 7 (five boys!), that they would continue to seek Jesus with their whole heart(s).

We have a full day of appointments for Isaiah today and tomorrow and will keep you all posted on how those go! Please pray the doctors will really look at the results, treat Isaiah as a person and not as a number, and regardless of results, Paul and I will rest knowing God has his hand in every situation.

Have a blessed Wednesday!