CARY, N.C. – The 7-month-old son of Paul Tesori has beats the odds in his story lifetime.
Paul Tesori works as Webb Simpson’s caddy and his son can be considered a miracle child.
Isaiah Tesori was born with Down Syndrome and survived a difficult child birth.
And Monday, the Tesori’s received news that Isaiah Tesori beat the odds again.

“And sure enough, we just got the word this morning, unbelievable news, the 10 percent chance that we had worked out,” Paul Tesori said. “The prayers and thoughts worked out so now he’s fine.”
When Isaiah Tesori fought for his life at birth, the PGA community was there providing prayers and support.
And now the Tesori’s are doing their part to give back. They were part of the Second Annual Tenth Avenue North Celebrity Golf Event Monday at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary.
The event raises money for give Christian charities, including the Tesori Family Foundation.
“It’s just such a blessing to be a part of it and we’re really humbled,” said Isaiah Tesori’s mother Michelle.
She said she can’t believe how her son has grown.
“He keeps growing and doing all the things 7-month-old babies do and for us to watch him just be your typical baby,” Michelle Tesori said.