Baby Isaiah, photos courtesy of Daydream Designs.
It seems like it was just yesterday, as the PGA TOUR’s Helen Ross recaps the moment our journey began with our sweet Isaiah in the article below.
Michelle and Paul with baby Isaiah.
by Helen Ross,
“The contractions began early on that Friday morning in January. No worries, thought Michelle Tesori. She’s the consummate multi-tasker, balancing her life as the wife of PGA TOUR caddie Paul Tesori with running Olympus Foundation Management, a non-profit for pro athletes. So she decided to go into the office.
But after a lunch meeting, when the contractions were three to four minutes apart, Michelle called her doctor. The exam showed she wasn’t dilated yet, so she headed back to the dark brown two-story home near Jacksonville, Fla., that she shares with Paul and their big gray Weimaraner named Hitch.
By 10 o’clock that night, Michelle was, as she puts it, in “full-on-let’s-have-a-baby” labor. So she and Paul headed for the hospital. This baby, the couple’s first, clearly wanted to meet the excited parents. Michelle’s water hadn’t broken yet, though, and she still wasn’t dilated. All the couple could do was wait.
Turns out, the baby’s head was facing the wrong direction for labor.
It was Saturday now, and some patients might have opted for a Cesaerean section when given the news. But the doctors asked Michelle, who hadn’t slept since Thursday night, if she was strong enough to push. Really hard.
Silly question.
Isaiah Tesori was born two hours later. His mother had purposely timed her last push so he could enter this world at 6:11 p.m. She knew that would bring a smile to Paul’s face. After all, his favorite numbers are 1s in any combination.
One of the nurses laid little Isaiah on Michelle’s chest. He appeared to lean back and stretch. A family friend, Wanda Samuel, captured the moment with a few quick pictures. It was a cute image, and no doubt would get a prominent spot in Isaiah’s first photo album. Michelle joked that if she was curled up in the same position for nine months, she’d want to stretch too. She noted how much he looked like Paul.
Then she had another thought.
“He is absolutely beautiful.”
To finish reading this story,
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