We are fully aware it’s been a long time since we’ve updated this. A lot has happened so we will try to go step by step and not make this overly long.

First of all, a career switch from my longtime boss and brother and friend, Webb Simpson to the young stud Cameron Young. This decision was not made lightly and was made with Michelle and I, Webb & Dowd and many close friends / wise counsel as part of the process. While Cam and I had a nice run, we fell a tournament short of accomplishing our primary goals of making the TOUR Championship and the Ryder Cup. We are looking forward to a fresh new season coming up and will do a better job stopping in here once in a while to keep you posted on what we’re up to on the golf course.
The foundation has been moving along at a rapid pace. We’ve continued strong with Buddy Baskets, Isaiah’s Smiles, Hope for the Holidays, our All-Star Kids in Nature partnership with Greenwood School, our support of the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night To Shine, and our flagship program, the All-Star Kids Clinic (ASKC). We’re thrilled to announce that starting this year, we rolled out a brand new program as a follow up to our ASKCs called All-Star Academy (ASA). The ASA provides free private golf lessons to our All-Stars as a follow up to enhance the skills they’re learning at our ASKCs.
This past month, we opened our annual Lend A Hand Heal A Heart grant application process, encouraging nonprofits who share our passion and commitment to serving and celebrating children with special needs here in northeast Florida to apply to receive grants up to $5,000 to continue their great work. If you know or are associated with a nonprofit that you think might benefit from this grant, please head over to our grants page to learn more and apply!
We want to thank everyone for the continued support and encouragement while the foundation has continued to grow and increase the amount of kids and families we are able to serve. We are committed to doing more updates here on this page and may have some guests blog posters as well! So stay tuned!